New York Times Doesn’t Know About Biden’s Income-Driven Student Debt...
The Biden administration has been disappointed that more people are not taking advantage of its income-driven repayment plan for student loan debt. It seems the biggest obstacle is that many borrowers...
View ArticleThe Great Economy Trump Left Biden
We have been seeing numerous stories in the media about how people support Donald Trump because he did such a great job with the economy. Obviously, people can believe whatever they want about the...
View ArticleWhy Does the Washington Post Choose to Highlight a Clearly Atypical Person to...
Back when milk prices were high, CNN found people who drank enormous amounts of milk to tell us how bad things were for people. When gas prices soared the New York Times found people who used enormous...
View ArticleCreating Judicial Chaos: Will the Supreme Court Overturn the Chevron Decision?
Republicans have proudly made themselves the party of chaos. In his tenure as president, Donald Trump was almost gleeful when he took executive actions that made no sense and often contradicted his...
View ArticleCNN Tells Us Young People Can’t Afford Homes, Even Though More Young People...
Major media outlets continually push the theme that young people can’t buy homes even though a larger share of households headed by someone under age 35 own homes today than when Donald Trump was in...
View ArticleNYT Says Rents Have Increased Less Than Wages, so Tenants Are Hurting
Yes, that was the New York Times told us this morning, or at least part of what they told us. The piece, headlined “more renters than ever before are burdened by the rent they pay.” The basis for the...
View ArticleDeclining Healthcare Costs: The Good Economic News Keeps Getting Better
When Donald Trump ran in 2016, he said that if he got elected, we would get tired of winning. When it comes to the economy, it looks like Trump was right, but only after he was out of office for three...
View ArticleTax Subsidies for Journalism Are Only for Rich People: Perry Bacon Edition
Perry Bacon’s columns in the Washington Post are generally interesting, and his piece on the future of journalism was no exception. However, after laying out the basic problem, it was almost as though...
View ArticleBlack Employment Rates Are at Record Highs
The Washington Post had a piece on how many Black men are not enthusiastic about the economy under President Biden. This is a useful and important piece, since polls show that Black men are not very...
View ArticleCNN Goes Full Loon Tune on Taxes
We know that it is against the Republican religion for rich people to pay taxes, but many of us didn’t know that CNN was part of the church. It told us loud and clear in an absolutely crazy piece on...
View ArticleInequality Denialism: Washington Post and Vox Edition
Just as there seems to be a limitless demand for scholarly or pseudo-scholarly pieces that deny global warming, there also is an insatiable demand for pieces that deny the rise in income inequality...
View ArticleContrary to What You Read in the Washington Post, Malaysia Is Not Stuck in a...
The Washington Post ran a piece, Georgetown University professor Erwin Tiongson telling readers that to find out about the state of the world economy, look at the bottom of toy cars. The point was that...
View ArticleElon Musk’s $56 Billion Pay Package Nixed as Unfair to Shareholders
A Delaware state court judge ruled that the $56 billion pay package awarded to Elon Musk by Tesla’s board of directors in 2018 was illegal. The gist of the ruling was that the board was composed of...
View ArticleThe Young People Will Never Own Homes Lie that the Media Keep Pushing
It is not hard to get access to government data on homeownership. You just need an Internet connection, that’s it. Unfortunately, it seems that cost-cutting or other measures prevent reporters at CNN...
View ArticleDo You Want to Subsidize Rich People’s Political Contributions?
In prior decades we used to try to restrict the ability of the rich and very rich to buy elections. We have limits on campaign contributions to candidates and political parties. Until the Supreme...
View ArticleReally Big Numbers and the Ukraine Funding Request
The Biden administration has run into a brick wall, or at least MAGA lunacy, in its $60 billion funding request for Ukraine. A big part of its problem is that many people are debating this funding with...
View ArticleBiden’s Record on Income Growth
Nate Silver had a piece in the New York Times Monday arguing that people had good reason to be upset about the economy under Biden, and that it was not just perceptions that were out of touch with...
View ArticleNew York Times Tells Readers that the Inability of Big Firms to Raise Prices...
Yes, I am serious. Today’s “Dealbook Newsletter,” is headlined “Rethinking the Prospects of a Soft Landing.” The piece makes the case that the higher-than-expected January CPI, coupled with other data...
View ArticleNYT Highlights Problem of Part-Time Employment as It Hits Record Low
When it comes to economic issues, you can’t reliably count on the NYT opinion pages (except Paul Krugman) to be behind the times. In keeping with its reputation, the NYT had a column by Adelie Waldman...
View ArticleRent Was Less Affordable Under Trump, Why All the Stories Now?
There have been numerous stories in recent months about how housing is unaffordable for millions of people. This is certainly true. An inadequate supply of affordable housing is one of the major...
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